1: How did you decide on the name, “Sensible Procedures"?
So the name was originally a joke, we were brainstorming ideas and someone was like ‘call it Sensible Procedures and just have like filing cabinets on stage and be really chill and boring’ and we all laughed. After a while we just thought it’d be a really sarcastic and ironic name to have so it just stuck. Basically we thought it’d be cool to be called Sensible Procedures and then just go crazy.
2: What inspires you to create?
Our creative process relies heavily on our life experiences. Say if I was having a terrible day I’d go to a quiet place and grab a guitar and just try and get all my feelings out. It’s a great way to cope and be productive at the same time, I feel like the whole band follows this sort of process and it really works for us.
3: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in a creative profession?
When it comes to being creative just follow your heart. Make what you want and don’t listen to people who just wanna put you down.
4: Do you feel open minded about what you listen to? Do you like going out of your comfort zone?
With the music I listen to, I know what genres are my favourites but I do try to push those limits, especially if a friend recommends a song/artist. You can find some real gems by just giving things a chance!
5: What outlets do you find out about music from? (Record stores, magazines, samplers, etc.)
I normally find new music through either friends or spotify playlists. Another great way to find new music is by just seeing supporting bands at gigs. I found out about some of my favourite artists this way.
6: What is your favorite format to listen to music on? (CD, Vinyl, etc.)
Vinyl 100%. Owning physical copies of music just feels more organic plus a lot of vinyl variants are just beautiful to look at. However, streaming services are a lot more convenient and so I probably use them the most.
7: How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?
Personally, I feel like the internet has allowed people who want to get into the music scene a real chance to actually get somewhere without having tonnes of money or equipment. All you need is a laptop and some creativity to make music and share it with the world which is just amazing.
8: Who was the first band/artist that became your favorite band?
For me (James) and Daniel our first ever favourite band was Foo Fighters and this was largely due to us being with our dad and listening to them in the car when we were really young. For Spencer I’m pretty sure his first favourite band was Guns and Roses and Ben’s was AC/DC.
9: If you could open a show for any artist, who would it be?
It would be a dream come true to open for either Cleopatrick or Kid Kapichi as these are bands which inspired me to write music plus their live shows are incredible .
10: What was the inspiration for your song “Breathing”?
Breathing is about toxic people trying to drag you down and failing. It was wrote in lockdown so I feel like a lot of the aggression and anger we all felt at that time was bundled into this song and is what really led to its creation.
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