I discovered Alabama Shakes in 2012 at the 24 South Main location of Gallery Of Sound. The CD is was on was a burned copy of "Boys & Girls" by Alabama Shakes and "What Kind Of World" by Brendan Benson.
I got really into this album because there are so many cool sounds in the background of these tunes. Every song stands out because they weren't afraid to be unique. Instead of making songs that all sound the same and promoted to be hit songs, they made a great album of great songs. Popularity doesn't determine how great something is. A song is a great song if it makes you feel good when you hear it. If it can instantly change your mood, then, to me that's a great song. So few things are that powerful, so it's worth talking about the music that makes you feel this way.
Allow yourself to press play and listen to the masterpiece that is Sound & Color.
Essential Tracks: Shoegaze, Don't Wanna Fight, The Greatest
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