I first found out about Sparks from my dad. I always remember him spinning “Angst In My Pants” on vinyl, because he never had anything by Sparks on CD. However, he eventually told me that he had a 2 CD compilation, but that had all different songs from their catalog on it! After listening to Angst In My Pants, and that comp, “Moustache” became my first favorite Sparks song.
We wanted to get more Sparks albums on vinyl, so we started looking on eBay and in record stores to find the ones we didn't have.
During this time, we started getting into “No. 1 Song In Heaven”, “Terminal Jive”, and “Indiscreet”.
Sparks is such a unique group and they’re so interesting to listen to. They have so many albums, in so many different styles.
I don’t know a lot of people who listen to them, but that seems to be something that a lot of great artists have in common. The important thing is knowing that there is truly interesting stuff out there, and that it what makes it worth searching for.
Also, Sparks albums are very rare. I’ve only seen most Sparks vinyl because my dad found them and got them the one time that he saw them.
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