1: How did you decide on the name, “The Dirty Delusions"?
We drew it from a hat filled with different words we each came up with. We knew we wanted to be “The Dirty” something. What started out as The Dirty Delusion became the plural Delusions and away we went.
2: What inspires you to create?
I think collectively it’s just for the joy of creating. As human beings we have a need to create and build. It’s like a thirst we need to quench. It can be music, writing, painting or even something as simple as cooking a meal for someone. I think it’s when we are at our most natural. We do it as a means of catharsis or therapy. But it goes further than that. I think we can all agree that we want to leave something impactful that strikes a chord with somebody. We believe whole heartedly in what we are doing and strive to create music that the listener can relate to
in their own way. There’s a real power to creating something that can possibly change the world around us in a sensory way. Sometimes it’s something to dance to or being able to turn confused or sad feelings into musical expression or just feeling an emotion we have created thru music. Its a beautifully organic and very powerful ability that we can tap into as human beings. Simply put, we all feel a sense of accomplishment when we create.
3: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in a creative profession?
Hux: LITERALLY DON’T. Don’t bother. You won’t get anywhere. If you read that and feel discouraged then you’re wasting
your time. If you read that and think “hey fuck you” then maaaaaybe you’ll get somewhere �
Aaron: Don’t try to emulate your influences. Use them as a resource to better your workflow and technique but always make what you make because YOU believe in it. Think of critiques and compliments as one and the same. Use them as fuel.
Charley: Find something that isn't creative, that you don't hate, to pay the bills and build your artistic pursuit in the off-time. Making money off the art you love is amazing, but also difficult and usually takes a long time to reach. Until you reach that point, you'll at least be able to pay the bills.
Jake: Don’t get easily discouraged. There’s a lot of people out there doing the same thing as you with the same ambition. But they
also share the same fears. Keep creating in a way that expresses YOU because no one else can.
4: Do you feel open minded about what you listen to? Do you like going out of your comfort zone?
Aaron: I do. I try to absorb as much music as I can regardless of genre. When I was young I was much more rigid about it than I am now but I love discovering something new and exciting, that I’ve never heard. It’s one of my favorite things.
Hux: I definitely feel open minded with what I’ll enjoy, but I kind of live under a rock and could be better about seeking it out. For example, in the car I keep my radio tuned to WXNA because I appreciate all the variety but my own library is admittedly a lot of rock.
Charley: Yes. There's no better feeling than finding music that makes it all feel new again.
Jake: Yes and No. I know I enjoy music now that I would’ve scoffed at in high school. We grow and evolve as we get older. Sometimes even today I have to remind myself of that when I hear a genre of music that doesn’t quite click with me. Maybe there is an artist in that space that I will learn to love if I just give it a chance.
5: What outlets do you find out about music from? (Record stores, magazines, samplers, etc.)
Aaron: Mostly word of mouth and social media.
Hux: That’s the problem, I hardly do that. I’m basic and I let Spotify figure it out for me.
Charley: Spotify or word of mouth.
Jake: Spotify and various music related articles online. Sometimes the radio.
6: What is your favorite format to listen to music on? (CD, Vinyl, etc.)
Aaron: In my car. I love to drive around listening to music. It allows me to block everything else out and allow the music to take me elsewhere, kinda like when reading a good book.
Hux: I’m not too much of a purist nor an audiophile, as long as
the bass can come through I’m happy. I am very proud of keeping and continuing to build a CD collection though.
Charley: Vinyl
Jake: Vinyl is my favorite medium for listening. Spotify and EarPods are much more frequent though.
7: What band/artist do you think everyone should listen to?
Aaron: It’s really hard for me to pick just one. I’m constantly listening to music. Almost to a manic degree. Stand outs though
would be DeeOhGee, Ron Gallo, Year of October, Crocodyle, and Morning After Crew for me.
Hux: Local answer: Blackpool Mecca and Sam Rochford/Randy and the Mormons. Obscure answer: Darkel! It’s the self titled debut from this French artist that I literally found in a discarded CD case on the street, weirdly good!
Charley: The Weird Sisters
Jake: Yo-Yo Ma
8: What motivates you to check out a new artist?
As a band it’s always really rad to split a bill with a band you’ve never played with before and be absolutely blown away by them.
9: Who was the first band/artist that became your favorite band?
Aaron: Jay Reatard , specifically his first solo record Blood Visions was the inspiration of the bands presence and early sound. That record was kinda an obsession for us early on even before we had a name or any shows lined up.
Hux: Green Day for sure! I learned how to play guitar from their records.
Charley: Kiss
Jake: Led Zeppelin
10: What was the inspiration for your song “Parts Unknown”?
So Parts Unknown is an interesting one. It was written in 2018 and was one of those that didn’t really come from any one experience or particular source. It was written from a place of “we are in this together and we must push forward”. But then the world stopped and we found ourselves in the middle of a real crisis and the lyrics took on a deeper meaning. We are all heading into an unknown, scary future together and we really can’t stop it. We were so isolated it became normal to get into our own heads about things. It could be a very lonely place. This song is saying that we have each other and we don’t have to go through this alone.
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