1: How did you decide on the name, “Naked Gypsy Queens"?
Bo: We came up with the name from combining our influences (specifically, it was inspired by Jimi Hendrix’s “Band of Gypsys”) while trying to create something unique to the ear that people wouldn’t easily forget. You know you have a good name when eyebrows raise in either a good or confused way.
2: What inspires you to create?
Chris: What inspires me to create would have to be the artistic process of making something that imitates God or a way to make something that makes people happy or just feel something. And sometimes just to make something plain cool.
3: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in a creative profession?
Chris: Be nice to everyone you meet and listen with an open ear and mind. Kindness is something that makes the most difference.
4: Do you feel open minded about what you listen to? Do you like going out of your comfort zone?
Chris: Absolutely. Everyone’s music taste in the band is eclectic and we all love random things. It’s been the credo of the band to branch out and see what we can pull from the netherworld to make our sound more tight, expansive, and fundamentally unique. Like, we used to be into Hungarian folk music from the 19th century when we were 18. Subconscious influences affect the band in subtle ways. It’s a never-ending process to hunt down the new sound. Cade’s typically at the vanguard of the musical expedition.
5: What outlets do you find out about music from? (Record stores, magazines, samplers, etc.)
Landon: Record stores are always great because you never know what you’re going to find when you go in there. But I also use Spotify and Wikipedia to find everything. There’s so much music and history out there that you can learn and it’s all at our fingertips.
6: What is your favorite format to listen to music on? (CD, Vinyl, etc.)
Bo: Obviously, vinyl. It’s just so pure and sounds incredible. Some of my best memories were when friends and I would hang out in my room with a record playing.
7: How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?
Bo: I think it’s destroyed the mystic side of music completely. Back in the day, people didn’t know what a band looked like or
sounded like without going to see them live, but now all they have to do is a Google search that immediately shows who the band is, what they sound like, and how they perform live, which to me is kind of like cheating in a way. -Bo
8: Who was the first band/artist that became your favorite band?
Landon: I would say that the first band I really fell in love with and researched every possible thing I could about was the Beatles.
Everything they did inspired countless people and they still do to this day.
9: Do you have any hobbies outside of music?
Cade: Music is really the only thing I know, but when I’m not doing that, I like to read about ocean life. Ever since I was a kid I loved reading and drawing sharks and whales.
10: What was the inspiration for your song “Down to the Devil”?
Cade: Well, Chris was really into the harder stuff at the time and he wrote a riff while Landon and I were in LA. The moment we
heard it we knew it could be something. So we got home, went to Chris’ house, and wrote it that night. It’s one of my favorite songs we play live.
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