I found out about Spread Eagle from a Concrete Corner tape when I was working on my Concrete Music Bloc project for Generation Clash!
Even though I knew of them by name, I didn’t really discover them until I listened to a cassette sampler for their album, “Open To The Public”. After I heard that sampler, I wanted to hear more music by Spread Eagle.
What amazed me about “Open To The Public” is that every song impressed me. I got into each song, and those great songs make a great album. Preacher Man, Revolution Maker, This Is My World…a few of the many fantastic Spread Eagle tunes on “Open To The Public”.
In the summer, I started listening to “Subway to the Stars”, and liking it, but I listened to the first album and then I appreciated all the albums more because each album was unique. I think a lot of people’s expectations aren’t met because they expect an album to be like another album.
This is the wrong way to look at any artist, because if you want to listen to an album that sounds like that, then listen to that album. Music doesn’t stay interesting if every artist sounds the same.
After I realized this, I listened to Spread Eagle’s debut, which I felt the same way about...and I felt differently. I didn’t compare it to the other albums and that was why I enjoyed it, because it wasn’t like the other albums.
Like many rock acts of this time, Spread Eagle was one of the many artists affected by the music industry's choice to stop funding hard rock and start funding grunge instead. Every artist deserves to be promoted, especially when the music and lyrics are truly impressive.
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