Interview: V*A*S*E

Published on 1 November 2021 at 09:56

1: How did you decide on the name, “V*A*S*E"?

The name comes from a love of the show, M*A*S*H, and a longing for a short word in existence that had a ring to it. We pronounce it “voz”, but that’s just us. It looked and sounds cool, so we ran with it.

2: What inspires you to create?

At first, it was angst. Going through the formative years of high school and transitioning into college, fitting in was never easy. Music was the only form of having an outlet, and it served us well. Now, it’s the idea of getting the entire band together and creating this spontaneous mixture of all of our influences.

3: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in a creative profession?

Do what makes you wake up in the morning with a passion. Don’t fool yourself, and be as honest as possible with your work.

4: Do you feel open minded about what you listen to? Do you like going out of your comfort zone?

We’re definitely open minded! That’s kind of our whole thing, we want to continue to explore what we hear in our heads. It’s constantly changing, so it’s important to have a grasp on the history of your predecessors, because you can better acclimate to your sound as you change. No band should have a comfort zone, especially not today.

5: What outlets do you find out about music from? (Record stores, magazines, samplers, etc.)

Record stores are great. For a band on a budget, like us, the dollar bins at such stores are perfect. You, often, pick the record with the coolest cover. Usually, it turns out being the best of the bunch! The internet is useful, too. Best of all, though, is word of mouth. That’s how you find the best new bands around town.

6: What is your favorite format to listen to music on? (CD, Vinyl, etc.)

Vinyl is the go-to, just because of the art. The collectability of music is huge. I think all music fans agree that having tangible music gets you closer to your favorite artists. Sure, listening digitally is easier and has its perks, but nothing beats boasting about your favorite band with a piece of their music in your hands.

7: How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

The internet has ruined the music industry. It’s all because, it’s all a game. The highest bidder gets the spot on the festival, whether they’re a good live band or not. The highest bidder gets on the radio, whether they’re being genuine or not, etc. Bands have two options in getting big today. One is to pay your way through ads and putting money in the pockets of the top 1% of the industry. The other, as we’re trying to do, is via growing an actual fanbase on social media through interaction and dialogue in the form of messaging. Still, that’s not ideal, because no matter how hard you work on that facet, your numbers will still tame in comparison to the bands that pay, which is fast growth. It’s a real shame, but we’ll play the game and beat them at it.

8: Who was the first band/artist that became your favorite band?

We’d all have to agree on Nirvana! Was there anybody better than Kurt Cobain at writing catchy music that was angry and intuitive? Not a chance. Music isn’t about musicianship all the time. It’s about the songs and the genuine energy of a live show. Kurt Cobain understood something that many artists go a lifetime without fully realizing. Props to them.

9: If you could open a show for any artist, who would it be?

We’ll go with Iggy Pop! The Stooges are from our stomping grounds in Michigan, and they had that same appeal that Nirvana did. The energy and the look is unmatched. How many bands can say they truly created something that changed the course of rock n’ roll for years to come? The list is short, and both of those bands were on it.

10: What was the inspiration for your song “Good As Dead”?

I vividly remember the day the riff came to be. I came home from a night class in the fall of my freshman year of college. Like I said earlier, music was an outlet for my angst. Anyways, the professor from my class just seemed like every other corporate type. It was one of the first weeks of the semester, so I was still figuring out his teaching style, which I didn’t like. As soon as I got back to my dorm, I picked up the guitar and played what was coming from within.

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3 years ago

Great interview, JT! Love V*A*S*E!