1: How did you decide on the name, “Pan Arcadia"?
We were going through a lot of names trying to find one that stuck. For a while we were “Collective” which was too bland, also “Reptilian Elite” which unbeknownst to us had some unfortunate connotations. “Pan Arcadia” was actually Dylan and Eamon’s band from highschool and everyone liked the name so we used it. It references the Greek god Pan, a merry-making satyr-son of Dionysus who lives in the Greek Arcadian wilderness. He’s the god of the wild, rustic music and improvisation; all pretty important to us.
2: What inspires you to create?
Inspiration can come from anything if you are willing to be inspired. Living in New York and a tumultuous period of history makes inspiration come easy!
3: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in a creative profession?
Keep going.
4: Do you feel open minded about what you listen to? Do you like going out of your comfort zone?
Yeah we listen to all sorts of music. We love international music. There are some great old African rock bands like Ofege and Amanaz; and solo performers like Tabu Ley Rochereau. Also classic Brazilian tropicalia acts like Os Mutantes and neo-tropicalia acts the Boogarians are influences. We also love Gypsy artists like Esma Redzepova and Django Reinhardt.
5: What outlets do you find out about music from? (Record stores, magazines, samplers, etc.)
Posters, word of mouth, the internet.
6: What is your favorite format to listen to music on? (CD, Vinyl, etc.)
Vinyl or some quality speakers. Streaming has unfortunate quality but makes up for it in quantity.
7: What band/artist do you think everyone should listen to?
We’ve been really into a cool Hungarian band from the 60’s called Omega.
8: What motivates you to check out a new artist?
If we discover them by chance and relate to the music.
9: Who was the first band/artist that became your favorite band?
Eamon grew up on classic punk; Ramones, Sex Pistols, Clash, etc. Henry and Brian were both major Green Day fans back in the American Idiot days when Green Day was on top of the world. Gabe was super inspired by Hendrix and Slash. The Beatles were always major influences on Dylan. Jimmy loves James Brown.
10: What was the inspiration for your song “Drag It Out”?
Late nights, early mornings, and the people that have come and gone with them.
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