I first found out about The Rockets after I had a seen an original copy of their album “No Ballads” when I went record shopping. I recall it being really beat up, and that was why I left it.
Eventually, I decided to get it, because it always stuck out to me and I thought that it meant something. I didn’t really start listening to them until I had gotten my copy of “Rocket Roll”, which blew me away as soon as I heard it.
I always got their albums whenever I saw them in the used vinyl section, even when I didn’t listen to them, but I now realize that I knew that they were rare albums.
I turned out to be right because I’ve never seen any of those albums more than once.
The Rockets are a really interesting band because they're rock, but they're unique. It's something I can't explain because it's a feeling, but you'll see what I mean if you listen to their music. I think what I love about them is their gusto. There's something enthusiastic about their music, and it shows in their execution in each song. Any of their songs could be sluggish, but you can hear how passionate they are in how amazingly their songs are executed.
Listen to “Is It True” and “Rock N Roll Girl” if you want to hear two fantastic tunes!!
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