1: How did you decide on the name, “Pocket Cowboys"?
I’m a big poker guy. Pocket Cowboys is actually a poker reference. When you get 2 of the same card its called "in the Pocket" and “Cowboys” are a nickname for Kings, so Pocket Kings = Pocket Cowboys. When you get them you tend to go all in and bet it all. That’s a good allegory for our music. All in, all the time.
2: What inspires you to create?
What I’ve seen in my life is my biggest muse. From personal experience, and what I’ve seen in and around Philadelphia. I let the lyrics tell the story, usually as personal as I can.
3: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in a creative profession?
I'd say that they need to treat it as if there is no plan B. Many will say that it’s good to have a fall back plan, but personally, I believe it just gives validation to a way out. Nikki Sixx (Motley Crue) said “Find a couple guys that have nothing to live for but your band.” Of the passion and ability is there. You’ll find a way.
4: Do you feel open minded about what you listen to? Do you like going out of your comfort zone?
Absolutely. I think a competent musician draws influence from many forms outside of their medium. We all love many different genres of music. I think getting out of your comfort zone will ultimately broaden your horizons.
5: What outlets do you find out about music from? (Record stores, magazines, samplers, etc.)
Music for me is a way of life. My mom used to jam Van Halen in my crib. I’ve had a guitar in my hand since the age of 5. It’s just really been my life blood. For me it’s definitely word of mouth from people I respect in the scene. Spotify playlists are awesome too. We’ve been added to a few but it’s definitely a great tool.
6: What is your favorite format to listen to music on? (CD, Vinyl, etc.)
Live is my preferred method of consuming music but believe it or not I actually enjoy streaming from YouTube. I grew up with music videos so the visual aspect is HUGE for us. That’s why we went right to shooting a video for Copman.
7: What band/artist do you think everyone should listen to?
If we’re talking classic acts after my own heart I’d say start with Guns N Roses and then head into grunge territory with Stone Temple Pilots. Those bands encompass everything we’re about. Kick ass riffs, and an ALL IN mentality. If I was to suggest something new I’d say 1000Mods from Greece, and The Heavy Eyes. Those are 2 legit rock bands killing it right now WITHOUT ripping of Led Zeppelin and other rock gods.
8: What motivates you to check out a new artist?
Word of mouth is definitely the most common way, but I’ve always loved bands with great imagery. If the vibe is cool I’m definitely more likely to scope it out!
9: Who was the first band/artist that became your favorite band?
I was a young metalhead the rebelled pretty hard so I’d probably say the first band I became obsessed over was Metallica.
10: What was the inspiration for your song “Copman”?
Copman is about the struggles of an addict living on the streets of Philadelphia. He has no control, nowhere to go, no way out. It’s a sad reality with this city. The opioid epidemic has ravaged us. It’s an uncomfortable topic that I feel needed to be addressed.
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