The second album by The Godz was their first on Casablanca Records and Filmworks.
Casablanca eventually sold Millenium to RCA. The reason that a subsidiary like Millenium exists is that it's for the artists that a label is unsure are going to succeed. When this is the case, labels sign artists to the subsidiary label so they can still help an artist put an album out, and if it doesn't do well, they can claim it as a loss during tax time and be reimbursed for their loss.
This sounds great until you learn that the money that these labels were reimbursed was used to help the artists, they wanted to help get bigger, rather than splitting it up to help each artist they signed.
If there is any takeaway here, it's that you should listen to these artists. Relisten to them. There are numerous artists who weren't promoted despite how hard they were working.
If you listen to a record and you love it, talk about it. Share it with others and help them discover new music.
Essential Tunes: Gotta Muv, Rock Yer Sox Auf, Luv Kage
Listen here: https://youtu.be/IeKWLX043zM
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I have the album and the first one and a few others lov me some Godz met Eric a few times seem them in 78 in Zanesville Ohio great times young and long hair good times 4 sure