1: What inspires you to create?
I don’t know what else to do with myself, it’s one of the few things that still brings me joy. I believe art is one of the only ways that can bring about conscious positive change in the here and now.
2: What advice would you give to someone who wants to be in a creative profession?
Stop listening to other people, the only exception would be unless they’ve done what you want to do. Never give up.
3: Do you feel open minded about what you listen to? Do you like going out of your comfort zone?
Depends on the day, I do enjoy music that challenges me!
4: What outlets do you find out about music from? (Record stores, magazines, samplers, etc.)
These days mostly friends recommendations because the algorithm is fucked :)
5: What is your favorite format to listen to music on? (CD, Vinyl, etc.)
Vinyl or someone DJing quality tunes through a loud PA system.
6: How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?
It’s started something that cannot be stopped! I love the immediacy of sharing music via socials/msgs and the like….I do not enjoy what it’s done to the attention span of so called music lovers. I feel strongly that lovers and fans need to start putting value back into music because otherwise no one will.
7: Who was the first band/artist that became your favorite band?
8: If you could open a show for any artist, who would it be?
9: Do you have any hobbies outside of music?
I enjoy being out in nature, biking, writing, drawing, talking shit with my friends.
10: What was the inspiration for your song “Addicted To Strangers”?
The people I see on the streets, social media, how we collectively appear to use each other to mask our own pain.
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